Case Study One


The Client Challenge
A $7 billion CPG Food Company decided that they needed to dramatically improve the performance of their innovation operations to achieve their organic revenue growth goals. The company had a history of incremental innovation that didn’t deliver the “breakthrough” ideas and products that they needed to become the leader in their market.

ISG Approach and Solution
Working closely with the Food Company’s executive management team, which included their CFO, EVP of Global Growth and Innovation, SVP of Global Operations, and SVP of Global Sales, ISG worked effectively with the PRTM Partners to manage the sales process from identification to closure.

Competing against such well known consulting organizations as Bain, Booze Allen Hamilton, Boston Consulting Group, and McKinsey ISG successfully helped PRTM win the business. The first phase was to develop the right strategy, implement PRTM’s proven innovation process based on their proprietary PACE methodology, and then move quickly to execution to take an “in-flight” innovation project and work with the client to move it effectively through the process.

The closure of a $2.6 million engagement to help the Food Company client refine their strategy, implement an improved innovation process, and execute to achieve their revenue and profitability growth goals.

Case Study Two


The Client Challenge
A $120 billion global insurance company had decided to make a concerted push into the online market to acquire new customers and drive revenue and profitability. Continuing their ongoing acquisition strategy, they acquired a leading California-based auto insurer who already had an online presence and significant west coast market share. The client’s goal is to integrate the “look and feel” of both websites to create a unique and differentiated customer experience to achieve their growth and profitability goals. The client had limited knowledge and staff to complete this project, and was under pressure by management to complete the integration in a short timeframe.

ISG Approach and Solution
Working closely with the insurance company Executive Vice President and SVP of Marketing, ISG effectively managed the sales process from identification to closure.

VOX completed an extensive analysis of both online environments to develop the recommendations and approach to achieve their goals. The first phase was to develop the right strategy for the integration, paying close attention to all customer processes and ensure no customers were lost in the process.

ISG engaged the client and key stakeholders in a number of working sessions to fully understand their strategy, key initiatives, and challenges in integrating the two online customer operations. Our first step was to provide an effectiveness assessment of their entire online operation, which lead to the second phase implementation of new strategy, web design, processes, and marketing communications to achieve their goals.

The closure of a $1.6 million engagement to help the insurance client refine their strategy, combine the two online environments, and improve their quote and bind processes to achieve their customer, revenue, and profitability goals.

Case Study Three


The Client Challenge
A $2 billion Personal Care Company identified the need to dramatically improve the performance of their operations and reduce complexity to achieve their margin and profitability goals. Through a series of acquisitions, the company’s processes had become overly complex and costly.  Senior management recognized that major steps needed to be taken to reduce “bad” complexity, streamline supply chain processes, and reduce cost to align with industry standards.

ISG Approach and Solution
ISG led the sales effort working diligently for over a year to schedule the initial meeting with the President of Global Brands.  ISG continued to work collaboratively with the PRTM Partners and the Personal Care client’s COO, CFO, and SVP of Global Sales, to manage the sales process from discovery and solution development to closure.

Competing against Booze Allen Hamilton, Boston Consulting Group, IBM Global Services, PwC, and McKinsey ISG successfully helped PRTM win the business. The first phase was to assess the client’s current enterprise operations to develop the implementation strategy that would achieve the Personal Care Client’s goals.  PRTM then worked effectively with the client to implement its proven complexity and cost reduction methodology to achieve major sourcing, packaging, formulation, marketing, and advertising cost savings events.

Closure of a $3.5 million engagement to help the Personal Care Company reduce their operational costs by $50 million, reduced complexity by 30%, and streamlined processes to achieve their revenue and profitability growth goals.



The Client Challenge
An $11 billion Health Care Company was overwhelmed with Information Technology projects and was not delivering the results that the business unit leaders needed to achieve their goals. The IT organization was comprised of 2,500 professionals of which over 800 were contractors. The CIO had started to create a Program Management Office (PMO), but did not have the strategy, leadership, governance, or process necessary to be successful.

ISG Approach and Solution
ISG lead the sales efforts by setting up meetings with the Health Care Company CIO to better understand their key business and technology challenges.  Working closely the CEO of Transition Partners (the ISG client), ISG effectively managed the complex sales process through a series of meetings with the Health Care Company’s Executive Vice President of Strategy and CIO, and other key stakeholders to fully understand their challenges, needs, and goals for creating their Program Management Office. The first engagement was an effectiveness assessment of their current PMO operation, which lead to the second phase implementation of new governance, process flow, and organizational changes to improve their performance and delivery of results. 

ISG successfully helped Transition Partners develop and close an 18 month engagement worth $1.7 million. A well run Program Management Office was established to help the Health Care client effectively manage critical projects from inception to delivery, and  manage the portfolio of opportunities  to  enable the business unit leaders achieve their goals. 



The Client Challenge
A $2 billion dispensing, drug delivery, and active packaging company identified the need to consolidate and transform their global customer service and sales operations to achieve their growth and profitability goals. Through a series of acquisitions, divisional “silos” of sales and customer service operations were causing excess complexity, sub-optimization, and confusion for their customers.  Senior management recognized that dramatic steps needed to be taken to consolidate their customer service and sales operations to streamline processes, reduce cost, and improve customer relationships. 

ISG Approach and Solution
ISG lead the sales effort working in collaboration with key PRTM Partners and the client’ company’s President of North America, COO, CFO, and President of Europe, successfully manage the sales process from discovery and diagnosis to solution design and delivery

Competing against Bain, Boston Consulting Group, IBM Global Services, PwC, ISG successfully helped PRTM win the business. The first phase was to develop the right strategy, implement PRTM’s proven Customer Experience Improvement process, and then move quickly to execution to work with the client on the global sales and customer service transformation process.

Closure of a $2.5 million engagement to help the Enclosure and Pump Company to provide a consistent global customer experience and drive revenue growth of 10% on an annualized basis.